Compensation was provided by Hershey via MomTrends. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Hershey or Momtrends.
I've been creating gift baskets for Valentine's Day since I was dating my (now) husband. I always wanted the day to be extra special, and would leave out a basket of goodies for him to find on the morning of V-Day. His baskets were mainly Hershey's chocolate with a DVD and a few other fun items, nothing too fancy— but the small gesture never failed to put a smile on his face. I've looked forward to making Valentine's Day baskets for him year after year ... now we're going on 15 years!!
Once my daughter was born this Valentine's Day tradition passed on to her as well. In the beginning I wasn't giving her chocolate, but rather small, age-appropriate toys or gifts. Now that she is older, gift basket giving is a lot more fun because there are so many options! This year I thought she would love a spa-themed Valentine's Day basket with her favorite Hershey treats and bath products.
Here's everything I got in there:
- Reese's Peanut Butter 5 oz. Heart
- Hershey’s Kisses 1.45 oz Solid Milk Chocolate
- Reese's Peanut Butter Hearts Valentine's Exchange
- Hershey’s Kisses Conversation Candies (available exclusively at Target)
- Kit Kat Miniatures Heart Box
- Hershey’s Milk Chocolate Bar
- Body Lotion
- Body Wash
- 2 Bath Bombs
- Face Mask
- Body Sponge
I started with an Valentine's Day pail and layered everything on top of the body sponge. In the pail were loose candies as well as all the boxed treats on top. I know for certain the first thing she's going to go for is the Reese's Peanut Butter Heart— but I promise nothing is going to go to waste!
This Valentine's Day gift basket is perfectly tailored to my tween, who loves bath and body products and chocolate! I'm hoping it makes her Valentine's Day even sweeter!
For more creative Valentine's Day #HSYMessageOfLove ideas, including recipes and crafts, visit
Compensation was provided by Hershey via MomTrends. The opinions expressed herein are those of the author and are not indicative of the opinions of Hershey or Momtrends.
Nicole Feliciano
What a great array of items in the basket all Tween girls are bound to LOVE!
tena hammett
where can i find the metal can to put the items in it..thanks for sharing..