As I previously mentioned, I am working with ConAgra Foods as one of their Blogger Corespondents for the Child Hunger Ends Here Campaign. In an effort to stop childhood hunger in the U.S., I recently toured a local food bank. I hate even admitting this, but this was my first visit to a food bank-- I didn't even know there was one so close to me.
Once I arrived, the first thing I noticed was how large the facility was. For some reason I was expecting a one-room operation, but this was more like a warehouse. All Faiths Food Bank in Sarasota, Florida works with 160 partner agencies to distribute food to over 7,100 individuals a week. The majority of these people are families-- families who are struggling to make ends meet in today's economy. It's a sad statistic that one in four children in the U.S. struggles with hunger.
I met with Dan Dunn, the executive director of All Faiths Food Bank. He led me on a tour through the facility.
The first stop was the sorting area. This is where volunteers mark, sort and box donated goods.
Once the food is sorted and boxed, it is held in the warehouse...
Where it packaged for delivery or pickup by one of the 160 partner agencies that distributes the food.
There's also a pantry on-site where smaller organizations send individuals needing assistance.
All Faiths Food Bank has the largest outdoor freezer in the state of Florida. This is where all the frozen food is kept.
Most of the frozen food is donated by local grocery stores. The food was once fresh and did not sell by the "sell by" date. The fresh food is then frozen (before expiring) and donated to the food bank. I always wondered what happened to all the meat that didn't sell in grocery stores. It makes me happy that it's not being wasted.
The Golden Rule is posted all over the food bank. It's a good reminder as you never know when you many need the assistance of someone else.
I was really impressed with my local food bank and it was easy to see that it's an asset to the community. There are few ways you can help stop childhood hunger.
1. Donate Food.
The most needed items are canned meats, fruits, vegetables and beans; as well as whole grains, cereals, pasta and rice.
2. Volunteer your time.
Food banks are always looking for volunteers to help sort and box food-- whether it's one time, or once a week. Simply call your local food bank to schedule a time.
3. Purchase specialty marked ConAgra Food products.
Just look for the red "push-pin" on participating Banquet, Chef Boyardee, Healthy Choice, Fresh Mixers, Kid Cuisine, Marie Callender’s and Peter Pan products. Once purchased, enter codes online at ConAgra Foods will then donate 1 meal to Feeding America for each code entered.
4. Make a financial contribution to Feeding America.
Text “FEEDKIDS” to 50555 to make a $10 donation directly to Feeding America through June 30, 2011.
5. Spread the Word.
Tell your friends, family and coworkers about ConAgra’s Child Hunger Ends Here campaign. Encourage them to make a donation, volunteer or purchase specially marked ConAgra Food products and enter the codes online.
You can get more information on the child hunger issue by following ConAgra Foods on Facebook and Twitter.
Full Disclosure: I am being compensated by ConAgra Foods for my time as a blogger correspondent. All opinions are my own.
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