Having a baby is possibly the biggest life-changer there is. For most women, especially first-time moms, the new arrival heralds a whole new way of being. Not only is there a baby to care for, but a new life role to get used to, and perhaps the most physically obvious thing of all, a new body to live in.
Make no bones about it; the immediately post-birth body is rarely much like the previous version. Even if the birth was relatively straightforward, many new moms are left with 'mommy tummy' and a few pounds to shift. Often there may be more complicated issues, such as post-caesarean section wounds and scarring. Factor in the inevitable sleep deprivation that comes with a new baby, and it is very easy for things to become overwhelming. No wonder many moms report a loss of confidence after their child is born.
Even though it may seem counter-intuitive, this is the most important time for mom to focus firmly on her own wellbeing. Yes, even though so much that is written and spoken about motherhood is about mom giving all to her child, the fact is that if mom is exhausted and lacking in self esteem, that is not good news for anybody. Giving birth should not rob the mother of her self-confidence.
The period immediately post-birth is emphatically not a time for focusing mainly on the physical state of the body and whether it is 'acceptable' or not: anybody who claims that mom can look the same immediately post-birth as she did a year previously is frankly deluded. It takes time to work the body back into 'normal' mode and it is not a process that should be rushed. Rather, in the time immediately after the birth, moms do well to focus on their inner beauty - cliché as it may sound, that is the only beauty that really matters.
Inner beauty stems largely from happiness and confidence, so these should be prioritized. It is all too easy to lose touch with friends - especially those who do not have babies themselves - but this can be a mistake. Going out with friends is a great way for moms to remember that they have a role outside the home as well as in it, and that they are valued for their personalities as much as their ability to change diapers! Keeping up with current affairs, continuing to pursue hobbies and activities that they enjoyed prior to motherhood, are all important. It is very easy to lose touch with these, simply because caring for a baby is so time-consuming, but to do so is often a mistake.
As we have seen, new motherhood is not a time to concentrate on outward appearance, but for those moms who enjoy exercise, all is not lost. As long as a doctor gives clearance, it is possible to begin some gentle exercise after birth, and it can be very helpful in building self esteem. Taking time to apply make-up and pamper the skin can have similar effects. Finally, all moms should make sure their nutrition is good: it is not just baby who needs good food!
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