Good mothers are self-sacrificing by nature, giving up their precious free time to provide the love, care, and attention that growing children need. While mothers have been doing this for literally millennia, today's busy moms have a great deal more on their plates. In addition to taking care of a home and keeping up with their inquisitive and energetic youngsters, 21st century moms are all too likely to also be juggling a part-time or even a full-time job.
Unfortunately, being so busy can really take a toll on a woman's physical or emotional condition. Since moms are so likely to put themselves last, though, they may decide to disregard their own health issues until warning signs turn into serious symptoms. This, of course, can only make it more difficult for a busy mother to live up to her own high standards at home and work.
To help out both herself and her loved ones, therefore, it's vital for today's moms to be on the lookout for a few basic health problems.
Iron deficiency is the most common nutritional deficit among Americans, and it only makes sense that busy moms would be particularly susceptible to the problem. Grabbing meals on the go and relying too heavily on fast food are prime causes of anemia. To get enough iron, women need to eat well-balanced meals with ample amounts of certain foods, such as dark green leafy vegetables, beans, lentils, egg yolks, and red meat.
No diet perfectly delivers all necessary nutrients, however. To ensure that all bases are covered, busy moms should also take a high-quality multivitamin purchased from a reputable source such as
Both working and stay-at-home mothers are prone to get the blues from time to time, but when feelings of inadequacy and helplessness become overwhelming, the problem may actually consist of something more serious: true depression. This emotional disorder is often characterized by difficulties with concentration and motivation, but it can encompass a range of physical symptoms, such as a marked loss of energy.
Fending off depression often requires a series of lifestyle changes. Busy moms must learn how to prioritize tasks and set boundaries on the requests that others – even loved ones – make of them. All the same, mothers simply can't grant themselves so much "me time" that their children feel unwanted or neglected. One way to weave these competing needs together can be to multi-task, spending quality time with children by having them assist with chores such as making dinner. The old adage that "many hands make light work" will not only get the job done faster; it may even free up some extra time for the family to also play a game or do another fun activity together.
Eating right and getting sufficient rest is also essential for preventing depression, but it is important to remember that there is nothing to be ashamed of if these measures are not enough. In some cases, the best solution can involve professional help including today's highly effective anti-depressant medications.
Over-eating can be one way to cope with depression, but it is far from a healthy response. Even moms who do not suffer from depression, however, can find it difficult to take the time to prepare nutritious, low-calorie meals. One reason for this is the prevalence of "easier" cooking options. Convenience foods are everywhere, from the local drive-through to the frozen food aisle of every major supermarket.
Unfortunately, such foods are far from convenient when their health effects are tallied. Because they contain excess levels of fat and sugar, they contribute both to obesity and to a host of diseases related to poor diet, including heart disease and diabetes.
Taking the time to prepare meals from scratch using fresh and wholesome ingredients is a key way for busy moms to start down a path toward weight loss instead of gain. While it may be difficult to find the time for more "home cooking" at first, the strategy will quickly pay dividends in terms of increased energy. Junk food makes a body sluggish, but eating right can quickly become a way to build stamina and strength for the many demands that busy moms deal with on a daily basis.
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