The kitchen and the bathroom are the most ‘used’ rooms of the house - and they are also the places that can get quite dirty in a matter of hours. There are a lot of bacteria that can be present here, and if it isn't cleaned, it can multiply - in some cases this can leave vulnerable people (e.g. children/elderly) getting ill. That is why it is important to keep these rooms as clean and hygienic as possible.
This blog post will specifically focus on the bathroom, and the best ways to keep it clean. Not only will this benefit the health of your family, but you will also be able to allow guests to use your facilities without being totally mortified about the state of them!
Throw away empty bottles
The first job is pretty easy; simply clean away unnecessary clutter from your bathroom. This includes empty bottles, packaging, and loo rolls. If you don’t already have a bin in your bathroom, buy one with a lid that you can control by using your foot on a pedal. This will give you an easy place to put empties, whilst making it as sanitary as possible. Once you do this job, your bathroom should feel a lot easier to tackle.
Hang up used towels
Kids have a habit of dropping things wherever they feel like, but try to get them out of the habit of doing this with their towels. Some people use their towel only once, but most others will use a towel for a couple of days before putting it in the wash. If your family reuses towels, hang these up in between uses so they can dry properly. Where you put them is up to you, whether on hooks, a radiator, or a heated towel rack.
Bleach the toilet
Try and get in a routine of bleaching the toilet each night after the kids have gone to bed. This will allow the bleach to have more hours doing its thing before it is flushed away. Bleach is important for killing the bacteria that builds up inside the toilet; this is especially important if someone in the household has had a tummy bug.
Use disinfectant
Of course it also makes sense to clean the toilet seat and other surfaces in the bathroom. Cleaning with bathroom disinfectant is an important part of the overall job, and will also help to kill those nasty bacteria. It also does the job of smelling nice too if you buy the right product. Make sure you get the areas on and around the taps, the basin and the bathtub.
Remove mold
Finally, don't allow mold to build up in your bathroom as it looks unsightly as well as being a hazard to health. There are products that are designed just for this purpose, however many people admit defeat and choose to replace their bathroom sealant instead. Whatever option you take, ensure your kids are well out of the way and that there is plenty of ventilation.
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