I've been working at home part-time from 2004, and full-time from 2008. Looking back, I've come a long way in building my online brand, having more opportunities than I could have ever dreamed of. It wasn't without a lot of hard work, though. Starting a blog, especially a mom blog, requires a little more planning and effort than just writing about your kids on the internet -- at least if your goal is to make money and turn your blog into a business.
Here are just a few things to consider when starting a blog:
- How are you going to monetize? Making money online is easier said than done. It's a good idea to set a policy from the get-go. Are you going to accept sponsored posts? Join an ad network? Participate in brand ambassadorships? Having a clear vision on what you aspire your blog to become is important so you don't lose focus, and can stay on the right track-- which may or may not include making money.
- Will you accept product reviews? Most bloggers do not make money from doing product reviews, but they do get to keep a variety of products in exchange for their honest opinion and time. For some bloggers, this is all they want out of their blog. For others, product reviews clutter their blogs and become more of a hassle than what the product it worth. Decide in advance what your stance is on reviews and stay firm on your decision. Remember, product reviews count as income and therefore must be claimed on taxes. When April 15 rolls around, make sure you're equipped to use some sort of free tax software or expect to get some professional tax help for your blog.
- How will you keep track of your blog expenses? Keeping track of your business expenses is just as important as tracking your income. It would be smart to have a system in place before you start making and spending money on your blog. Some buy money managing programs, while others just use Excel spreadsheets. It really doesn't matter as long as you have some type of small business accounting.
- Do you need health insurance? The one downside of having your own business is the lack of insurance. Compare small business health insurance policies and quotes online to get an idea of how much you're going to spend monthly to cover you and your family. It's a topic that most bloggers (without access to other insurance) don't think about, but it's a vital living and working expense.
My best advice is to treat your blog like a business from the very first day. Have policies in place for what you want to accept and track ALL income and expenses. Stay true to yourself and your vision for the best chance of being successful online.
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